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Control and Instrumentation

Argonne is developing and applying AI technologies to enable the end-to-end control of large scientific instrumentation and facilities that will help address some of the most important scientific challenges facing the nation.

Argonne is home to some of the nation’s largest and most productive scientific instruments and facilities, including the Advanced Photon Source (APS). Planned improvements to the APS as part of the APS Upgrade project will lead to the generation of tens of thousands of parameters that must be continually monitored and controlled, running over one hundred simultaneous experiments that will generate hundreds of petabytes of data per year. Work is underway at Argonne to apply and develop advanced machine learning algorithms to process this data, integrate simulations and experimental data, and make crucial experiment decisions using automated experiment steering and discovery. The coupling of Argonne’s world-class instrumentation and facilities with AI will help address some of the most challenging questions facing the nation today, including enabling the design of new materials to manipulate classical and quantum information with high fidelity and ultralow power consumption, to enabling systems for efficient energy storage, transportation, and conversion that will drive the emerging economy based on renewable energy, to understanding the structure and motion of protein molecules to enable individualized medicine.