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Fast Approximate Methods for Modified Gravity Cosmological Simulations


Vrastil, Michal; Habib, Salman


The accelerated expansion of the Universe poses a major theoretical puzzle. Although the assumption of a non-zero cosmological constant provides a minimal extension of general relativity that is consistent with observational data, many theories of modified gravity have been suggested as possible alternatives. Predictions of structure formation for these models in the fully nonlinear regime are very expensive and it is difficult, if not impossible, to explore such a huge space of models and parameters using high-resolution N-body simulations. Even in the mildly nonlinear regime, perturbative methods can become extremely complex. We explore whether simplified dynamical approximations, applicable for a certain set of cosmological probes, can beused to investigate models of modified gravity with acceptable accuracy in the latter instance. For the case of chameleon gravity, we find that these methods can indeed be used to explore the region around the baryon acoustic oscillation scale, k ~ 0:1 hMpc-1 but not much further.