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Hybrid Imitation Learning for Real-Time Service Restoration in Resilient Distribution Systems


Zhang, Yichen; Qiu, Feng; Hong, Tianqi; Wang, Zhaoyu; Li, Fangxing


Self-healing capability is a critical factor for a resilient distribution system, which requires intelligent agents to automatically perform service restoration online, including network reconfiguration and reactive power dispatch. The article proposes the imitation learning framework for training such an agent, where the agent will interact with an expert built based on the mixed-integer program to learn its optimal policy, and therefore significantly improve the training efficiency compared with explorationdominant reinforcement learning (RL) methods. This significantly improved training efficiency makes the training problem under N - k scenarios tractable. A hybrid policy network is proposed to handle tie-line operations and reactive power dispatch simultaneously to further improve the restoration performance. The 33-bus and 119-bus systems with N - k disturbances are employed to conduct the training. The results indicate that the proposed method outperforms traditional RL algorithms such as the deep-Q network.