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Coding the Computing Continuum: Fluid Function Execution in Heterogeneous Computing Environments


Kumar, Rohan; Baughman, Matt; Chard, Ryan; Li, Zhuozhao; Babuji, Yadu; Foster, Ian; Chard, Kyle


Advances in network technologies have greatly decreased barriers to accessing physically distributed computers. This newfound accessibility coincides with increasing hardware specialization, creating exciting new opportunities to dispatch workloads to the best resource for a specific purpose, rather than those that are closest or most easily accessible. We present Delta, a service designed to intelligently schedule function-based workloads across a distributed set of heterogeneous computing resources. Delta implements an extensible architecture in which different predictors and scheduling algorithms can be integrated to provide dynamically evolving estimates of function execution times on different resources-estimates that can be used to determine the most appropriate location for execution. We describe predictors for function runtime, data transfer time, and cold-start resource provisioning and configuration delay; dynamic learning methods that update predictor models over time; and scheduling strategies that take into account both function and endpoint information. We show that these methods can halve workload makespan when compared with a strategy that selects the fastest resource, and decrease makespan by a factor of five when compared to a round robin strategy, when deployed on a heterogeneous testbed with resources ranging from a Raspberry Pi to a GPU node in an academic cloud.