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Do automated vehicle (AV) enthusiasts value travel time differently from cautious travelers? an exploration of travelers attitudes towards AV


Enam, Annesha; Ardeshiri, Ali; Hossein Rashidi, Taha; Auld, Joshua


The anticipation of automated vehicles (AV) has resulted in diverse research topics, including understanding the adoption and usage of this emerging mode. Using attitudinal indicators, this paper identifies prevalent types of attitudes towards AV. It then explores the variation of those attitudes across different demographic groups and quantifies the influence of these attitudes on the preference for AV. The paper uses stated preference survey data collected among respondents of Chicago in 2019. The exploratory factor analysis of the attitudinal indicators identifies four factors, namely Cautious Travelers, Hedonists, Utilitarians, and Safety-First. Next, the paper develops an integrated choice and latent variable model to test the influence of these four types of attitudes on the preference for AV. The results indicate that the cautious travelers associate higher Value of Travel Time (VOTT) to AV and enthusiasts associate lower VOTT to AV than a base model without such attitudes.