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Evaluation of Aggregated EV Flexibility with TSO-DSO Coordination


Wang, Lusha; Kwon, Jonghwan; Schulz, Noel; Zhou, Zhi


Electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming a promising source of grid ancillary services due to the temporal and spatial charging flexibility, quick response and storage capability. Such advantages are increasing with government policy promotion and technology improvement. However, the exploration of EV flexibility requires the coordination of both transmission system operators (TSOs) and distribution system operators (DSOs), to ensure the safe and reliable operation of power network. In this paper, we propose a coordinated evaluation method that determines the optimal utilization of EV temporal flexibility without compromising EV owners usage. At the distribution level, DSOs first evaluate EV aggregators operational boundaries to exploit distribution level services. At the transmission level, TSOs then determine EV charging schedules and ancillary service capacity simultaneously, taking into account the requirement from DSOs. We validate the model in a case study using the IEEE 123 node test feeder and EV charging sessions obtained from a transportation simulation tool that uses real-world data.