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Noncovalent Surface Modification of MetalOrganic Frameworks: Unscrambling Adsorption Properties via Isothermal Titration Calorimetry


Sheridan, Thomas; Gaidimas, Madeleine; Kramar, Boris; Goswami, Subhadip; Chen, Lin; Farha, Omar; Hupp, Joseph


Despite the importance of noncovalent interactions in the utilization of metalorganic frameworks (MOFs), using these interactions to functionalize MOFs has rarely been explored. The ease of functionalization and potential for surface-selective functionalization makes modification via noncovalent interactions promising for the creation of porous photocatalytic assemblies. Using isothermal titration calorimetry, photoluminescence measurements, and desorption experiments, we have explored the nature and magnitude of the interactions of [Ru(bpy)2(bpy-R2+-functionalized dyes with the surface of MIL-96, where R = C3, C8, C12, and C18 alkyl chains of either straight-chain or cyclic conformations. The orientation of the dyes appears to be flat against the surface with respect to the long alkyl chains, and the surface concentration approaches a monolayer at high initial concentrations of dye. Strangely, the dodecyl-functionalized dye, despite having a smaller interaction energy and larger footprint than either octyl-functionalized dye, achieves the highest maximum surface concentration. Based on photoluminescence spectra, desorption experiments, and ITC data, we believe this is due to the core of the dye being lifted from the surface as the chain length increases. Our understanding of these interactions is important for further utilization of this method for the functionalization of the internal and external surface areas of MOFs.