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Probing for high momentum protons in 4He via the 4He(e, ep)X reactions


Iqbal, S.; Benmokhtar, F.; Ivanov, M.; See, N. ; Aniol, K.; Higinbotham, D.; Boyd, C; Gadsby, A.; Goodwill, J.; Finton, D.; Ye, Z.; Reimer, P.; Zhan, X.


Experimental cross sections for the 4He(e, elp)X reactions in the missing energy range from 0.017 to 0.022 GeV and up to a missing momentum of 0.632 GeV/c at xB = 1.24 and Q2=2(GeV/c)2 are reported. The data are compared to Relativistic Distorted Wave Impulse Approximation(RDWIA) calculations for the 4He(e, elp)3H channel. Significantly more events are observed for pm 0.45GeV/c than are predicted by the theoretical model and a striking fluctuation in the ratio of datato the theoretical model around pm = 0.3 GeV/c are possible signals of initial-state multi-nucleoncorrelations.