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Viscous dissipation in a gas of one-dimensional fermions with generic dispersion.


DeGottardi, Wade; Matveev, K.


A well-known feature of the classical monoatomic gas is that its bulk viscosity is strongly suppressed because the single-particle dispersion is quadratic. On the other hand, in condensed matter systems the effective single -particle dispersion is altered by lattice effects and interactions. In this work, we study the bulk viscosity of one-dimensional Fermi gases with generic energy-momentum dispersion relations. As an application, viscous dissipation arising from lattice effects is analyzed for the tight-binding model. In addition, we investigate how weak interactions affect the bulk viscosity. Finally, we discuss viscous dissipation in the regime in which the Fermi gas is not fully equilibrated, as can occur when the system is driven at frequencies that exceed the rate of fermion backscattering. In this case, the Fermi gas is described by three bulk viscosities, which we obtain for a generic single-particle dispersion.