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Press Release | Argonne National Laboratory

Argonne scientist wins international award for magnetism research

Samuel Bader, a longtime materials scientist at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory, is one of three researchers to earn the 2018 prestigious Magnetism Award and Néel Medal of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physi

The award and medal are presented every three years to scientists who have made an outstanding contribution to the field of magnetism.”

Bader, emeritus chief scientist for the Center for Nanoscale Materials at Argonne, will receive the honors with Ramamoorthy Ramesh of the University of California, Berkeley and Kang Wang of the University of California, Los Angeles. The 2018 Magnetism Award and Néel Medal will be presented at the International Conference of Magnetism in July in San Francisco. The medal comes with a prize of $6,000.

I am honored and humbled,” Bader said. The IUPAP Magnetism Award is recognition of the high ranking of Argonne’s magnetism effort in the international community.”

The IUPAP Magnetism Award is recognition of the high ranking of Argonne’s magnetism effort in the international community.” — Samuel Bader, longtime materials scientist at Argonne

The award and medal represent the highest honors given in the field of magnetism to scientists whose work has had a broad influence on the magnetism research community, according to Axel Hoffmann, Argonne senior materials scientist and senior group leader of the magnetic films group in Argonne’s Materials Science division. Previous recipients include distinguished scientists, such as Nobel Laureates Albert Fert and Peter Grünberg.

Sam Bader influenced the community in many ways, but most notably by developing magneto-optic Kerr effects as a powerful characterization tool for thin-film magnetism,” Hoffmann said. This approach is now ubiquitous and is commonly used for standard magnetic characterization of a wide variety of magnetic systems.”

At Argonne, Bader served as magnetic films group leader for more than 25 years and as associate director of the Materials Science division for more than a decade. His recent research interests included creating and exploring novel spintronic systems. Bader’s honors include a DOE Basic Energy Sciences Award for Outstanding Achievement in Solid State Physics, the American Vacuum Society Thornton Memorial Award/Lecture and the American Physical Society David Adler Lectureship Award in the Field of Materials Physics.

He served as chair of the American Physical Society Division of Condensed Matter Physics in 2011–2012 and chair of its Division of Materials Physics in 2004–2005. Currently, he is a councilor of the American Physical Society. Bader chaired the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory’s Advanced Light Source and served on the 2010 decadal study committee in condensed matter and materials physics for the National Research Council.

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