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Press Release | Argonne National Laboratory

Argonne to host MeV Summer School for early-career nuclear engineers

The Modeling, Experimentation and Validation (MeV) Summer School is intended to fill a critical educational gap for engineers and applied scientists involved in the design, licensing and operation of 21st Century nuclear power plants.

ARGONNE, Ill. —The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory will host a 10-day school this summer to provide early-career nuclear engineers with advanced studies in integrated modeling, experimentation and validation to prepare them for some of the key challenges and demands facing the nuclear energy renaissance.

The school is scheduled to run July 19-28.

This year’s central theme is reactor physics computations, validation and integration in multiphysics codes. The curriculum is designed to broaden students’ knowledge and equip them with modern approaches to reactor physics analysis of nuclear systems. Students will receive graduate credit upon successful completion of each course.

Tuition, room and board is $3,000. Detailed program information and registration are available at http://​www​.mevschool​.org/.

The school is organized through the cooperation of DOE national laboratories and select universities that share the goal of building a strong workforce that supports global nuclear expansion. The faculty will be drawn from top university, laboratory, government and industry experts.

The general organization and conduct of the school is overseen by an international board of experts, and a local secretariat will provide technical, logistical and administrative support to students and faculty.

The MeV Summer School is sponsored by Argonne, Idaho National Laboratory (INL), Idaho State University , the Center for Advanced Energy Studies and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). The first two schools were hosted by INL in 2009 and 2010. The next school will be held at ORNL in 2012.

The application deadline is March 28. Acceptance notification will be given by April 22.