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Awards and Recognition | Argonne National Laboratory

Argonne’s Sibendu Som named American Society of Mechanical Engineers Fellow

The fellow grade of ASME membership recognizes outstanding engineering achievements and service.

Sibendu Som, a scientist at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory, has been designated a fellow by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). Som leads the Advanced Energy Technology (AET) directorate’s artificial intelligence and high performance computing initiative.

Som’s research focuses on high-fidelity simulations of power generation and propulsion systems with net-zero carbon fuels. He has pioneered methods in computational fluid dynamics and physics-based modeling, using high performance computing to predict, for example, improved efficiency of engines and how hypersonic aircraft will interact with surrounding forces. His work is primarily funded by DOE’s Vehicle Technologies Office.

I am honored and humbled to receive this prestigious recognition from ASME. I would like to thank my excellent team and many mentors over the years who have motivated me to pursue computational research.” — Sibendu Som

I am honored and humbled to receive this prestigious recognition from ASME. I would like to thank my excellent team and many mentors over the years who have motivated me to pursue computational research,” Som said. Most of my service to ASME has been through the Internal Combustion Engine division, and I would like thank them for the opportunity to serve the division.”

The tools Som has developed help engineers create more efficient engines more quickly by pinpointing the best designs. One of those tools, the Machine Learning-Genetic Algorithm, or ML-GA, received an R&D 100 Award in 2021. Som manages a large group of scientists working on technologies that support clean energy production and advanced mobility, such as piston engines, gas turbines, fuel cells and others. Apart from high-fidelity modeling and simulations, the team also performs unique diagnostics and analysis with hydrogen and other low-carbon energy carriers.

Sibendu’s work is essential to the U.S. goal to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, from decarbonizing aviation to capturing carbon from the air,” said Seth Darling, interim associate laboratory director of Argonne’s AET directorate. This recognition from ASME is well deserved.”

Som, who has an affiliation with the University of Chicago as a senior scientist at the Consortium for Advanced Science and Engineering, is also a cofounder of Argonne’s Virtual Engine Research Institute and Fuels Initiative (VERIFI) program. VERIFI helps manufacturers answer complex engine questions with predictive simulations. Som also leads a national laboratory consortium on end-use research opportunities with sustainable aviation fuels for commercial applications.

Sibendu is building groundbreaking technologies in modeling and simulations while leveraging machine learning,” said Steve Przesmitzki, laboratory program manager for vehicle technologies and interim division director for Transportation and Power Systems. But, just as important, he’s connecting that innovation to the engineers who can implement them in tomorrow’s equipment for power generation and transportation systems.”

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