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Article | Argonne National Laboratory

Membrane Materials for Water Purification: Design, Development, and Application


Argonne researchers recently authored a Tutorial Review that will appear in an upcoming issue of Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology. The article focuses on advances in membrane technologies for water purification.


Water purification for human use, ecosystem management, agriculture, and industry is emerging as a leading global priority. Access to sufficient clean water ultimately requires improvements over the current state of water filtration technology. Membrane technologies for water purification have been actively pursued for decades, but with recent innovation of both analytical and fabrication tools, more advanced membrane technologies are surfacing. Here, we review the design, development, and application of new membrane materials, fabrication methods for controlling the filtration size regime, analytical tools for performance testing, and molecular modeling for transport and separation. Membrane chemical stability, fouling, and environmental impact as open questions are also presented.


A. Lee, J.W. Elam, and S. Darling, Membrane Materials for Water Purification: Design, Development, and Application,” Env. Sci. Water Res. & Technol. (2015).