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Singh receives ASM International fellowship

Dileep Singh of the Energy Systems Division at Argonne National Laboratory has been named a fellow of ASM International, formerly known as the American Society for Metals.

Singh is the leader of Argonne’s Energy Systems Thermal-Mechanical Technologies Group. He will be honored at the ASM awards dinner on October 25, 2016, in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Singh was chosen for pioneering contributions and global leadership in the science and technology of advanced ceramic materials and systems for energy generation, efficiency, storage and environmental applications,” according to the society.

I am truly humbled by this honor. It means a lot to be recognized by your peers, and in some ways, this honor is a reflection of the support and encouragement I have received over the years from my colleagues and collaborators,” Singh said.

Singh is a co-inventor of Ceramicrete™, a low-temperature phosphate ceramics technology that can be used for structures, nuclear materials storage and waste disposal.

His group currently focuses on materials and thermal management of various engineering systems. These include characterizing alloys under development to reduce vehicle weight, developing cooling methods for the power electronics of hybrid electric vehicles and thermal energy storage for solar technology.

This acclaim for Dileep’s work is well deserved,” said Ann Schlenker, director of Argonne’s Center for Transportation Research. He has been a leader of the materials research team, implementing broad product applications and delivering key insights, for a quarter-century. This fellowship award is an important recognition of his contributions and talents.”

After earning his Ph.D. in materials science and engineering from the University of Utah in 1991, Singh came to Argonne as a postdoctoral fellow to study the mechanical behavior and reliability of structural ceramics and composite materials.

Singh has twice won the R&D 100 award for his inventions, and has been a fellow of the American Ceramic Society since 2009. At Argonne he has been recognized with the Director’s Award for Outstanding Achievement and the Pacesetter Award.

ASM International, with over 30,000 members worldwide, established the Fellow of the Society honor to provide recognition for distinguished contributions to materials science and engineering.

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