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Article | Argonne National Laboratory

Technology available for license: Charging of liquid energy storage media through radiolysis (ANL-IN-14-036)

This technology utilizes radiolysis to charge liquid energy storage media including nanoelectrofuels. Charged liquid can be used in flow batteries for transportation and stationary energy-storage applications.

Radiolysis charging can be conducted on aqueous and non-aqueous battery chemistries, including, but not limited to:

  1. Rechargeable battery chemistries (e.g., can be charged through both radiolysis and through the electrochemical charging)
  2. Primary battery chemistries (e.g., charged by radiolysis only and discharged as a battery)

It is expected that implementing this technology at ultimate efficiency will allow up to 7% of the radiation to be captured from a variety of radiological sources and permits new device applications and safety features related to utilization of thereof.

Advantages of the technology include all the benefits that apply to the traditional flow batteries and high energy density nanoelectrofuel batteries. However, this new technology may enable the utilization of energy present in nuclear fuel and waste.