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Computing, Environment and Life Sciences

Advanced Research Directions on AI for Science and Security

DOE Laboratory Workshops Series - Summer 2022

The Department of Energy (DOE) national laboratories will hold three face-to-face workshops to develop advanced research directions on AI for Science and Security to advance AI and related high-performance computing areas needed to create leadership class AI capabilities and application for science, engineering, and national security. The workshops are organized around six high-level AI approaches that are cross-disciplinary and broadly applicable to DOE and National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) mission space.

Each workshop will tackle two AI approaches along with crosscutting research and infrastructure subtopics such as data management, AI hardware architectures, AI software frameworks, foundational mathematics for AI, and large-scale AI workflows, with the goal of determining the priority research topics, advanced research directions, and high-level investments needed for DOE to lead the world in the development and use of AI for Science and Security. The planning horizon for the workshops is 1-3 years, 3-5 years, and 10+ years, and the output of the workshops will be an integrated report that can support program planning, investment priorities, and can serve as a clear articulation of the transformation potential of AI across DOE and NNSA mission areas. The report will also address the needs for data generation, data integration, and data management to drive best in class AI models, covering the integration of AI with modeling and simulation and the integration of AI with DOE national user facilities.

The invite-only workshops will be hosted at HBCU/MSI universities to increase engagement with underrepresented groups and provide opportunities for students and faculty members of the host universities to fully participate. Each workshop is excepted to bring together over 200 researchers, including domain scientists, computer scientists, mathematicians, and AI developers and PIs from across the DOE laboratories and universities. Domain scientists will be invited from the Office of Science, NNSA, DOE Energy programs, and Earthshot clusters. Select representatives from industry will also be invited.

Advanced Research Directions on AI for Science and Security: Workshop 1
AI Surrogates for HPC & AI for Prediction and Control of Complex Engineered Systems
Hosted by Tennessee State University (HBCU), Nashville, TN
Co-organized by Oak Ridge National Laboratory and Los Alamos National Laboratory

June 14 – 16, 2022

Advanced Research Directions on AI for Science and Security: Workshop 2
AI for Advanced Property Inference and Inverse Design & Foundational AI for Scientific Knowledge Discovery, Integration, and Synthesis
Hosted by University of California, Davis (MSI), Davis, CA
Co-organized by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

July 26 – 28, 2022

Advanced Research Directions on AI for Science and Security: Workshop 3
AI and Robotics for Autonomous Discovery & AI for Programming and Software Engineering
Hosted by Bowie State University (HBCU, Bowie, MD
Co-organized by Argonne National Laboratory and Sandia National Laboratory
August 16 – 18, 2022


Workshop Collaborators