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Announcement | Computing, Environment and Life Sciences

AGU virtual town hall to take place December 9

AI4ESP recently concluded a 17-session workshop to capture the collective knowledge of the scientific community.

The U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Biological and Environmental Research (BER) and Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) offices recently embarked on a planning project called Artificial Intelligence for Earth System Predictability (AI4ESP). Aimed at unleashing the power of AI to advance Earth system predictability, AI4ESP recently concluded a 17-session workshop to capture the collective knowledge of the scientific community as to what advancements are necessary to enable this.

The team behind AI4ESP is now holding a virtual AGU town hall to provide a first take on the goals, progress, and emerging themes from the workshop. The virtual town hall will occur at 11:15 CT on Thursday, December 9 (AGU session TH032). All attending the AGU Fall Meeting and town halls are welcome and encouraged to participate in the discussion. A similar town hall will be held at the American Meteorological Society meeting in January 2022. Town halls and panels of this nature provide an opportunity to engage with the project and more methods to engage and learn are provided through the project’s website at www​.ai4e​sp​.org

AGU session information can be found below

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