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Experimental Operations and Facilities

60-Inch Cyclotron Facility

The project was completed in February 2001.

The decontamination and decommissioning of the Argonne National Laboratory 60″ Cyclotron Facility began in 1997 and was completed in 2001.

At the conclusion of the Independent Verification Survey (IVS) the Cyclotron facility was released for unrestricted reuse. Residual, elevated activity remains in inaccessible areas, however. The upper floor of the Cyclotron vault contains readily measurable radioactivity from neutron activation of the concrete and other structures resulting from Cyclotron operations. In accessible areas, the exposure rate criteria in DOE Order 5400.5, i.e., ≤20 µR/hr , was met. No Radiation Work Permits (RWPs), radiation monitors, or other radiological controls are needed to enter the area. There is no planned use for the former Cyclotron vault and hot lab areas at this time. The issuance of the final report signified the conclusion of the Cyclotron D&D Project and the transfer of the Cyclotron facility from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Environmental Management roster to the landlord.

MOTA Corporation and their subcontractor Duke Engineering & Services, performed the final survey. Argonne and the Oak Ridge Institute fur Science and Education (ORISE) performed the IVS.

MOTA’s Final Status Survey documentation includes fourteen portfolios,each consisting of a Survey Package Control Form. General Instructions Form, Data Results from Smears, Survey Maps, and Survey Data Results. MOTA provided a detailed description of the methodology that was utilized In the Final Status Survey and a summary of the results in their Final Project Report.

Argonne Health Physics provided health physics oversight, which included verification of MOTA s Final Status Survey results by surveying at least 10% of the survey units.

All project records and documents, including the MOTA documents mentioned above were archived at the completion of the project.

Characterization, planning, and documentation began in June 1997, completing in December 1998. D&D field work began in January 2000, and the final report was issued in February 2001. Total duration of D&D field work was 13 months. The total exposure to project personnel was 0.436 person-rem. The total cost of the Cyclotron D&D Project, including labor, management, and waste disposal, was $3.9 million. A total of 6.971 ft3 of low level radioactive waste (LLAW), with a total activity of 5.1 x 10-2 Ci was packaged for off-site disposal. Additionally, 115 ft3 of mixed waste, including liners, was packaged for disposal with a total activity of 2.9 x 10-2 Ci. In February 2001, the Cyclotron facility was formally decommissioned and transferred to the landlord.