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This project is currently on hold until sufficient funding is obtained to complete the decommissioning.

The hot-cell facility in Building 301 was placed into use in the early 1950s to perform a variety of radiological research and development experiments for the U.S. Department of Energy on nuclear reactor fuel components and materials. The eight caves contained within the hot cell facility were phased out in 1971 because they were obsolete and deteriorating. The interior of the caves received a preliminary cleanup, but significant levels of fixed contamination within the painted floor, walls, cells, and equipment remains spread throughout the facility. From 1971 until it was taken out of active use in 1992, the hot-cell facility was used for non-radiological experimentation.

The scope of this project includes cleaning or dismantling radioactively contaminated equipment and disposing of it. Project planning and documentation were completed in Fiscal Year 1999. In the future, the hot-cell area and other contaminated areas will be decontaminated and removed to permit the area to be released for unrestricted reuse, and the cave structures, retention tanks, and ventilation systems will be demolished. The Laboratory has determined that this building is surplus to the Laboratory’s needs and will be a candidate for demolition.