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Experimental Operations and Facilities

General Electrical, Mechanical, and Compliance Support

Our portfolio

Electromechanical Support and Compliance

Our technical support staff has over 400 combined years of experience at Argonne working with a wide variety of experimental equipment. EOF engineers and technicians include Qualified Electrical Workers (QEWs), Radiological Workers, Designated Electrical Equipment Inspectors, electrical SMEs with diverse experience supporting the laboratories experimental work. We frequently help relocate experimental equipment, including installation of tubing, gas cylinders, regulators and Unistrut supports. We have staff available to help assist your program with electro-mechanical needs. We also have numerous Radioactive Item Custodians and are often the Facility Inventory Managers. We are versed in the Laboratories’ requirements for chemical storage and satellite accumulation areas. Working with Waste Management for years allows us to minimize costs.

We offer flexible staffing and welcome both short- and long-term engagements. To learn more about our services, contact Tony Fracaro via email or at 630-252-1645.