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Experimental Operations and Facilities

Vacuum Systems and Accelerator Components

Our portfolio

One-of-a-kind vacuum and accelerator systems

Our team of engineers, designers, and technicians know how to bring ideas of accelerator scientists to life across in all mechanical categories.

We specialize in developing ultra-high vacuum systems, including design analysis, and assembly. We offer component design which incorporates and reflects our knowledge of the necessary specialized fabrication techniques. With decades of combined experience, our engineers collaborate with top vendors and manage the entire process.

Through this work, our team contributes to Argonne’s strategic programs within the Physics and High Energy Physics divisions, as well as the upgrade of the Advanced Photon Source. We also work with physicists across the U.S. Department of Energy national laboratory system to design, analyze and customize components for accelerator systems such as particle detectors and targets.

We offer flexible staffing and welcome both short- and long-term engagements. To learn more about our services, contact Victor Guarino via email or at 630-252-5613.