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Research Highlight | Energy Systems and Infrastructure Analysis

Wang Honored for Climate Leadership

Wang received the Climate Leadership Award at the 2023 Clean Fuels Conference.

Argonne’s Michael Wang has tirelessly dedicated himself to addressing energy and environmental issues related to the transportation sector and energy systems, according to the Clean Fuels Alliance America, who presented Wang with its Climate Leadership Award at the 2023 Clean Fuels Conference.

Wang is a Distinguished Fellow, senior scientist, and interim director of the Energy Systems and Infrastructure Analysis division at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Argonne. For more than 25 years, he has led the development and applications of Argonne’s GREET (Greenhouse gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy use in Technologies) model for life-cycle analysis of advanced vehicle technologies, transportation fuels, and other energy systems.

In conferring its award on Wang, the Clean Fuels Alliance America noted GREET’s adoption by institutions worldwide. The tool was used to valuate credits for all bio-based fuels under California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard and will be used to calculate federal tax credits for clean fuels in the U.S. starting in 2025. Also among the tool’s 43,000 registered users globally is the U.N. International Civil Aviation Organization.