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Energy Systems and Infrastructure Analysis

Decision Support for EV Charging Cost Analysis

Argonne provides tools and capabilities for EV charging hub owners and operators and fleets.

Argonne has deep expertise in the analysis of advanced vehicle technologies, from vehicle and component technology assessment to lifecycle and techno-economic analysis. Techno-economic assessment enables the creation of sophisticated input-output models that support scenario analysis, helping users make well-informed decisions about owning and operating advanced vehicle technologies such as EV charging infrastructure.

For those considering the installation of charging infrastructure for the public or for fleets:

AFLEET’s Utility Electricity Rate Calculator

AFLEET’s Utility Electricity Rate Calculator enables users to input scenarios including the following information:

  • Location: state and utility
  • Rate type: commercial or residential
    • Electricity rate: flat, time of use, and EV
  • Charging strategy: unmanaged or managed
  • Charger rating
  • Charging period

to determine consumer, public, or fleet annual charging-related electricity costs.

For property owners, private companies, or utilities considering the installation of EV charging hubs:

CHECT (Charging Hub Economic and Costing Tool)

CHECT estimates the levelized cost of charging ($/kWh) for various EV charging hub scenarios considering different charging technologies, ownership models, and local utility rates. Learn more on the CHECT web page.

  • Location: 50 states and utilities
  • Rate type: commercial or residential
    • Electricity rate: flat, time of use, and EV
  • Number of chargers
  • Charging technologies
    • Level 1, Level 2, and DCFC
  • Charging schedule
  • Ownership models
    • Residential, utility, and private company
  • Venues
    • Multi-unit dwellings and public

Download CHECT

Register to download the tool. The Copyright and User Agreement will appear after completion of the CHECT download form.


For fleet owners, managers, and operators considering the installation of charging infrastructure for electrified medium- and/or heavy-duty fleet vehicles and seeking a customized, in-depth cost analysis:

HEVISAM (Heavy-duty Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Scenario Analysis Model)

HEVISAM estimates the levelized charging cost ($/kWh) for a direct current fast charging (DCFC) station designed for your particular medium- and/or heavy-duty electric fleet vehicles, considering hourly demand and charging rate scenarios. It enables calculation of:

  • Capital costs 
  • O&M costs
  • Charging stations’ energy costs
  • Charging stations’ cash flows
  • Levelized charging cost ($/kWh)