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Seminar | Mathematics and Computer Science

2023 Summer Argonne Student Symposium (SASSy)

LANS summer students will present the results of their summer research.

Speaker / Seminar Title:

Hyunwoong (Woody) Chang / Probabilistic progressive network architecture search

Ying Liu / Semi-implicit neural ODE for graph neural diffusion

Tiffany Christian / Spatio-temporal drought event clustering using SDVI and fuzzy K-Means

Jingrong Wei / Multilevel algorithms for optimization problems with box constraints

Ray Sinurat / Robust continual learning

Yinxi Pan / Machine learning based algorithm for Bayesian inverse problems

Qipeng  Qian / A wavelet-inspired aggregated multiscale graph convolutional recurrent network for traffic forecasting

Abhinab Bhattacharjee / Model and (sparse) data fusion using Hypernetworks