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Seminar | Materials Science

Alex Abrikosov: The Outstanding Representative of the Landau School

MSD Seminar

Abstract: My talk I will start from the history of the family of Alex Abrikosov, widely known in the Russian Empire and Soviet Union due to its outstanding representatives.

Then I will pass to the years of Nobel Prize formation in the Landau School of Theoretical Physics. This unique phenomenon arose in the 1930s in the Soviet Union and had a huge impact on the development of theoretical physics of the 20th century. The encyclopaedic ten-volume course in theoretical physics of Landau and Lifshitz, Landau’s theoretical minimum, a special environment that unites teachers and students, colleagues and co-authors of hundreds of scientists of different generations have been existed for more than half a century. Today, after the fall down of the Berlin wall, the latter has spread over the whole world, and the disciples of Landau in fourth and fifth generations appear in the United States, France, Italy, and China.

Then I’ll return to Alexei Abrikosov himself — one of the most talented students of Landau, who entered the history of science primarily as the creator of the theory of superconductivity of the second kind. However, his contribution to theoretical physics is much broader and in the lecture I will try to reflect the main points of the scientific biography of A. Abrikosov.

Since Landau considered himself a disciple of Bohr, Alex Abrikosov can be called a Nobel laureate in the third generation.