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Lecture | Computing, Environment and Life Sciences

AQ – the exponential power of AI + Quantum

AI Distinguished Lecture

Abstract: We will explore several emerging technologies that leverage quantum mechanical systems and the possible use of AI tools to realize these technologies. We will consider quantum sensing with nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond as well as the challenge of drug discovery and material science development.

Bio: Jack Hidary leads Sandbox (formerly Sandbox @Alphabet but currently undergoing a branding change), developing quantum and AI-based tools and applications that run on today’s classical computing platforms. Sandbox focuses on enterprise SaaS solutions at the intersection of machine learning and physics. 

Hidary is the author of Quantum Computing: An Applied Approach, published by Springer. This work, now in its second edition, is one of the leading textbooks in the field and is used both in PhD programs and corporate training sessions. 

He is a serial entrepreneur and founder of several tech companies, including EarthWeb/Dice (NYSE: DHX), which he led through a record-breaking IPO. He also co-founded Vista Research which he then sold to Standard and Poor’s/McGraw-Hill.  

He is a trustee of the X Prize Foundation and has been a board member of Trickle Up, which helps thousands of entrepreneurs start small businesses each year. His foundation, The Hidary Foundation, is dedicated to medical oncology research and has supported work at Sloan Kettering and University of California, San Francisco (UCSF).  

He studied neuroscience at Columbia University and subsequently received the Stanley Fellowship in Clinical Neuroscience at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), where he worked on functional brain imaging and neural networks.