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Workshop | Photon Sciences

Beyond Rg BioSAXS Short Course 2022

Description: The ​objective ​of ​the ​“Beyond ​Rg: ​BioSAXS ​Short ​Course ​2022” ​is ​to ​raise ​the ​awareness ​and ​capabilities ​of ​the ​small-angle ​scattering ​(SAS) ​techniques ​in ​the ​structural ​biology ​community ​by ​providing ​an ​intermediate-level ​course ​for ​those ​in ​need ​of ​a ​better ​understanding ​of ​bioSAS ​theory ​and ​techniques ​utilized ​at ​the ​APS. 

This ​BioSAXS ​short ​course ​offers ​an ​overview ​of ​small-angle ​scattering ​(SAS, ​including ​x-ray ​and ​neutron ​scattering) ​theory, ​SAS ​methods ​and ​capabilities ​for ​structural ​biology, ​and ​data ​reduction ​and ​analysis ​tools, ​to ​enable ​the ​community ​to ​submit ​highly ​effective ​beam-time ​proposals ​and ​to ​facilitate ​better ​utilization ​of ​the ​resources ​at ​the ​APS. 

The ​course ​includes ​lectures, ​software ​practice, ​and ​hands-on ​experimental ​sessions. ​An ​experiment ​session ​will ​be ​carried ​out ​at ​selected ​APS ​small-angle ​x-ray ​scattering ​beamlines ​for ​samples ​that ​are ​brought ​by ​participants ​and ​demo ​samples. ​Example ​data ​will ​be ​provided ​for ​software ​practice. ​Lecturers ​will ​be ​available ​during ​software ​practice ​and ​experimental ​sessions ​for ​one-on-one ​discussion. ​ 

Participants ​are ​expected ​to ​have ​attained ​at ​least ​a ​graduate ​student-level ​education ​and ​are ​encouraged ​to ​have ​a ​defined ​experimental ​program ​so ​that ​they ​can ​collect ​data ​for ​a ​set ​of ​samples ​that ​they ​bring. ​Participants ​must ​bring ​their ​own ​notebook ​computers. ​ 

Participation in the hands-on experiment requires you to be on-site, a registered user of the APS, and be current on all core safety training.

Seats are limited.

Note: ​this ​course ​is ​NOT ​for ​soft ​matter ​materials ​which ​are ​poly-dispersed. ​
*No samples are allowed for remote participants