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Lecture | Mathematics and Computer Science

Building Data Equity Systems

AI Distinguished Lecture

Abstract: Equity as a social concept — treating people differently depending on their endowments and needs to provide equality of outcome rather than equality of treatment — lends a unifying vision for ongoing work to operationalize ethical considerations across technology, law, and society.

In my talk, I will present a vision for designing, developing, deploying, and overseeing data-intensive systems that consider equity as an essential requirement. I will discuss ongoing technical work in scope of the Data, Responsibly” project, and will place this work into the broader context of policy, education, and public outreach activities.

Bio: Julia Stoyanovich is an Institute Associate Professor of Computer Science & Engineering at the Tandon School of Engineering, Associate Professor of Data Science at the Center for Data Science, and Director of the Center for Responsible AI at New York University (NYU). She holds MS. and PhD degrees in Computer Science from Columbia University, and a BS in Computer Science and in Mathematics & Statistics from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.