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Seminar | Computational Science

Celeritas: GPU-accelerated Particle Transport for Detector Simulation in High Energy Physics Experiments

Special CPS Seminar

Abstract: High energy physics is entering an exciting era for potential scientific discovery. The upcoming high luminosity upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and its four main detectors will increase the volume and complexity of the data of the future particle physics experiments by an order of magnitude. This will require a commensurate increase in computational capacity on many fronts, including Monte Carlo (MC) detector simulation.

We are developing a new GPU MC particle transport code, Celeritas, designed to leverage the new generation of heterogeneous computing architectures, including the exascale computing power of DOE’s Leadership Computing Facilities (LCFs), to perform full-fidelity MC simulations of LHC detectors. This talk will introduce the Celeritas project, presenting its progress to date and roadmap, including its architecture, physics capabilities, preliminary performance and validation results, and strategies for integration with existing and future experimental HEP computing workflows.