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Colloquium | Nanoscience and Technology

Conversion-Type Lithium-Ion Materials and Ceramic Separators for Next Generations of Cheaper, Safe, and Lighter Rechargeable Batteries

NST Colloquium

Abstract: Revolutionary changes in battery materials are needed to enable the next generations of affordable Li or Li-ion battery – powered electric transportation. As the cost of cell manufacturing is gradually reducing, the battery price will become primarily affected by (i) the cost of active cathode materials (and mostly the cost of their raw mineral constituents) and (ii) volumetric energy density of cells (as fewer cells would need to be produced to attain the same energy of the battery pack), which depends on the battery materials choices as well. As the energy density of conventional Li-ion batteries based on intercalation-type active materials, such as such as lithium nickel cobalt manganese oxide (NCM) or lithium nickel cobalt aluminum oxide (NCA) cathodes and carbonaceous anodes, approaches their theoretical limits, we have little choice but to move to so-called conversion-type electrodes, such as lithium sulfide (Li2S) or lithium fluoride/iron (Fe)-based cathodes and either Li or silicon (Si)-based anodes in order to double energy density of cells and reduce their cost by 3 times or more in the next several decades.

In this talk I will review the efforts of our research team focused on conversion-type cathodes and Si-based anodes, highlighting some of the key challenges and routes to overcome them. I will also demonstrate how flexible ceramic separators based on oxide nanowires (nanofibers) may enhance safety, charging rate and energy density of Li-ion cells based on all types of electrode materials. 

Bio:  Gleb Yushin is a Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology and an Editor-in-Chief of Materials Today.