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Seminar | Computational Science

Data Management at NIST and the NIST Research Data Framework

CPS Semnar

Abstract: Over the past several years, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has embarked on a number of initiatives to improve the management and dissemination of research data. These include the development of a NIST-wide public data repository, deployment of a configurable data curation system, development of data discovery platforms through resource registries, use of electronic lab notebooks, and development of a laboratory information management system for electron microscopy.  We also participate in research data organizations such as CODATA, the Research Data Alliance, the World Data System, and GO-FAIR and in a number of federal advisory committees and National Academy events. 

Starting a year ago, we also initiated work on a research data framework (RDaF), the goals of which are to document the research data landscape and provide organizations with guidance on how to plan, operate, and maintain a research data infrastructure. In 2021 we intend to run two pilot projects to test the RDaF concept:  a discipline-oriented study in materials science and a broad stakeholder study with research universities, libraries, and scholarly publishers. The preliminary draft of the NIST work on the RDaF is available online.

Bio: Robert J. Hanisch is the director of the Office of Data and Informatics within the Material Measurement Laboratory at NIST.