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Seminar | Materials Science

Exotic Pairing in the Heavy-Fermion Superconductor CeCoIn5

MSD Seminar

Abstract: The pairing symmetry of the heavy-fermion superconductor CeCoIn5 is known to be dx2-y2. Our recent planer tunneling spectroscopy data as a function of temperature down to 20 mK show sharp coherence peaks with an estimated gap of 0.65 meV on the (100) and (001) faces, and a distinct zero-bias peak on the (110) face, as expected for a superconductor with this gap symmetry. As a function of increasing magnetic field, as superconductivity is destroyed, the features evolve into an intriguing gap-like structure that increases linearly up to 18 T. A possible origin of this field-dependent evolution arises from composite pairing, making this d-wave symmetry superconductor a candidate for odd-frequency Cooper pairing.