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Seminar | Applied Materials

High Temperature Electrochemical Manufacturing Process – Ultra Fast Boriding

AMD Seminar Series

Abstract: Argonne’s ultra-fast boriding (UFB) technology is a high temperature electrochemically induced boriding method of the metallic surfaces which was previously demonstrated at a 4 metric tons capacity by Argonne National Laboratory under a DOE-AMO funded project. The process was proven to be cost effective and green to create high-temperature phase-stable hard metal boride layers on the surfaces of several ferrous and non-ferrous alloys including various types of steels, in a shorter amount of time than a traditional pack boriding process, which makes this process highly efficient and robust.

This is a summary of Ultra-fast boriding process technical capabilities compared to state of the art, impact of UFB on energy consumption, productivity, cost and environment. A case study funded by ANL-Lab2Market program will be presented at the end to highlight challenges and achievements during technology transfer.