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Lecture | Argonne National Laboratory

Innovation, Argonne and the Evolving Energy Economy

Argonne Outloud

Today’s would-be innovators have an especially tough row to hoe. Severely constrained by tiny budgets and limited access to research resources, leave their ideas to wither, if not die, on the vine. So how can a place like Argonne National Laboratory, with its multi-disciplinary roster of researchers and big, powerful scientific machines, help the current crop of innovative energy entrepreneurs to succeed?

Join us as John Carlisle, former physicist and current director of the Argonne’s Chain Reaction Innovations program, discusses how the lab has opened its doors to support and train innovators to help drive new energy technologies into applications. John Carlisle, Chain Reaction Innovations, Director

Before the lecture, we invite you to have dinner in the lower-level APS Gallery. You may bring a meal or purchase food at the nearby 401 Grill.

This event is free and open to the public. Guests 16 and older must register in advance.

Non-U.S. citizens: Additional time is required to process non-U.S. visitor access to Argonne’s campus, so please register no later Thursday, Oct. 25,

Register here.