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Employee Life | Argonne Leadership Institute

Invention Disclosures and Your Career

Postdoctoral Event

Prepare for the upcoming IP Symposium. Graduate students and interested staff are welcome to attend.

Are you in the process of publishing your research? You think you don’t have time to pursue a patent? Join us!  Martyna Michalska (BIO) and Priscilla Antunez (TCP) will share their experiences navigating the process both at Argonne and in industry (IBM TJ Watson Research Center).

Points to be discussed

  • Critical steps before public disclosures
  • What are the benefits for you and Argonne?
  • How to include an invention disclosure in your CV
  • Invention disclosures in 5 slides

Please register by May 14.

For a preview of the invention disclosure process and why it’s important, visit the Invention Disclosure page on Inside Argonne.