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Seminar | High Energy Physics

Maximizing Dark Energy Constraints from Next Generation Cosmic Microwave Background Cluster Surveys

HEP Seminar

Abstract: This is a seminar to discuss an early-career proposal for maximizing cosmological constraints with galaxy clusters from next-generation surveys. The next generation of cosmic microwave background (CMB) experiments will discover over 100,000 distant galaxy clusters, opening a new window into the high-redshift universe and the behavior of Dark Energy. With these new discoveries come new challenges, I propose an ambitious experimental- and simulation-based program that will maximize the cosmological utility of this new data set. This program focuses on two key areas: a multiwavelength characterization of CMB-selected clusters to robustly model cluster selection and mass calibration, and leveraging this well-characterized sample to improve constraints from clusters selected across all wavelengths, particularly focusing on enhancing the joint constraining power of clusters from the LSST, DESI, and CMB-S4 surveys.