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Seminar | Mathematics and Computer Science

MCS Student Presentations

MCS Seminar

Node-Level I/O Management,” Nicolas Vidal, Graduate Student, Inria Bordeaux

Abstract: Many HPC applications have periodic I/O behavior. Such behavior can be used to optimize system performance if more information about the application is reported to resource managers. In particular, scheduling and bandwidth shaping heuristics can benefit from this information. During this talk, we will present how we tried to apply these types of optimizations to node-level I/O, using containers as a control and monitoring tool.

Explicit Memory Management on Knights Landing,” Brian Suchy, Graduate Student, Northwestern University

Abstract: Memory systems in high-performance computing environments are becoming increasingly heterogeneous, with multiple levels of byte-addressable memory available on the same node (on-package, persistent, etc.). Intel’s Knights Landing processor is an example of that. During this talk, we will present applying explicit memory management constructs to optimize dense linear algebra algorithms for such systems.

This seminar will be streamed.