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Seminar | Energy Systems and Infrastructure Analysis

Membranes for Water Applications

Abstract: Water is the next major scarce resource in the world. Although a large quantity of water is available, little of this water is fresh water and converting it to fresh water uses a large amount of energy. Membranes have made a large dent in producing clean water, especially in desalination of seawater. However, the next generation of water recovery is even more tricky as it involves dilute organics, non-point sources, and areas where getting rid of the concentrate is quite difficult. The Jamie Hestekin group is working on several areas of water cleanup, including new membranes, which will be the focus of this talk. Areas that will be covered are new cellulosic membranes for high flux, low-fouling pretreatment of contaminated water, and comparison of electrically driven flow to pressure-driven flow for recovery of water from hydraulic fracturing.