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Seminar | Energy Systems Division

Modelica-Based Multiscale Modeling for Buildings and Communities

CEEESA Seminar

Abstract: As an innovative approach for system modeling and simulation, the equation-based Modelica language has recently gained much interest from the building industry. Besides contributing to the Modelica Buildings library, we further developed and applied the Modelica-based technique to solve real-world problems in multiscale from  HVAC equipment to building systems to future cities. This seminar will introduce our work using various examples.

Bio: Wangda Zuo is an associate professor and Director of the Sustainable Building Systems Lab in the Department of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering at the University of Colorado, Boulder. He holds a joint appointment at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. His research interests include smart, sustainable, and resilient cities; building and district energy systems; and building controls design and optimization.

Attend via BlueJeans