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Seminar | Mathematics and Computer Science

New Polynomial-Free, Variable High-Order Methods using Gaussian Process Modeling for CFD

LANS Informal Seminar

Abstract: In this talk, an entirely new class of high-order numerical algorithms for computational fluid dynamics is introduced. This new method is based on Gaussian processes (GP) modeling that generalizes the Gaussian probability distribution. The new approach is to adopt the idea of the GP prediction technique that uses the covariance kernel functions and use it to reconstruct high-order approximations for computational simulations. The GP high-order method is proposed as a numerical high-order formulation, an alternative to conventional polynomial-based approaches.

Bio: Dongwook Lee is an associate professor in the Applied Mathematics Department at the University of California, Santa Cruz. His research interests center on developing numerical schemes of high-order Godunov shock capturing methods for computational magnetohydrodynamics and gas dynamics using explicit and implicit time integration algorithms on large-scale computing architectures.