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Seminar | Applied Materials

Next-Generation Robotics and Remote Systems

AMD Seminar

Abstract: Since the invention of teleoperators at Argonne for nuclear applications, robotics and remote systems (R&RS) have broadened their application in the industrial and social sectors. Recently at the convergence of the fourth industrial revolution, there is an emerging need for a new breed of robotic systems that are more collaborative, more intelligent, and more autonomous. To this end, the Applied Materials Division’s (AMD’s) R&RS program expects to leverage Argonne’s R&RS technology basis as well as emerging technologies to meet the needs of the next-generation robot systems.

This seminar presents the history and perspectives of R&RS technology and the current activities of the R&RS program in AMD, which encompass enhanced telerobotic operation via mixed-reality and teleautonomy, dexterous manipulator, and virtual simulation for digital prototyping for future industrial applications including new materials and manufacturing processes.