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Seminar | Nuclear Science and Engineering

Overview of the Naval Reactors Program

NSE Seminar

Abstract: The U.S. Naval Reactors (NR) Program began in 1949 under (then) Captain Hyman G. Rickover. NR is responsible for the nuclear propulsion systems aboard most U.S. submarines and aircraft carriers built since the 1950s. Despite the reclusive nature of NR, it has been responsible for many technological innovations that are present in the U.S. commercial nuclear sector today. This seminar will shed some light the organization to increase understanding of NR and certain open aspects of their core design history. Specifically, this seminar will provide: a short history of NR and its organization today; a summary of the design requirements of a naval reactor in contrast with a typical land-based power reactor; and discuss some historical technology transfers from NR to the wider nuclear community.