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Seminar | Nuclear Science and Engineering

Overview of X-energy Demo Reactor

NSE Seminar

Abstract: The U.S. DOE announced it has selected two U.S.-based teams to receive $160 million in initial funding under the Advanced Reactor Demonstration Program (ARDP), which is designed to speed the demonstration of advanced reactors through cost-shared partnerships with U.S. industry. The awards are cost-shared partnerships with the industry that will deliver two advanced reactors to be licensed for commercial operations within seven years. The Department will invest a total of $3.2 billion over seven years, subject to the availability of future appropriations, with our industry partners providing matching funds. X-energy, the company of pebble-bed-based high temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR), is one of two awardees. In the seminar, Dr. Mulder will introduce X-energy demo reactor concept.

Bio: Eben Mulder is the chief nuclear officer at X-energy and leads development of the company’s pebble bed HTGR technology.