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Webinar | Argonne National Laboratory

Partnering to Advance AI Research & Development

Sponsored by the University of Chicago’s Office of Research and National Laboratories Joint Task Force Initiative’s AI+Science“ grant and the Center for Data and Computing.

Argonne National Laboratory, Fermilab, and University of Chicago will host an online workshop focusing on strategic opportunities to collaborate on AI research. This event will serve as part one of the two part AI + measurements” collaboration, which aims to forge new connections in research and development. A technical workshop will follow in spring 2021.

The workshop will provide an opportunity to discuss interdisciplinary areas in AI for measurements in physical and biological sciences and engineering. Targeted attendees are researchers, graduate students, and technical managers working at the frontlines of AI with experience in data science, computing, and experimental sciences. There will be multiple Q&A opportunities to provide as much interaction as possible.

Contact Laura Rogas for more information. The Zoom connection information will be distributed via e-mail 24 hours in advance of the webinar.