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Webinar | Argonne National Laboratory

Science at Work: Electric vs. Conventional Vehicles – Which Are Greener?

Part of the Science at Work series

Abstract: EVs tend to generate fewer greenhouse gas emissions than conventional vehicles. But the details matter: How is the electricity for EVs produced? With coal, natural gas or hydropower? And what materials are powering the EVs’ batteries?

In this webinar, Jarod Kelly, principal energy systems analyst, will discuss the environmental trade-offs in owning an EV vs. a conventional vehicle. He will also show how Argonne’s free tool – the Greenhouse Gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy Use in Technologies (GREET) model – can track how nearly any vehicle, fuel, or material affects our environment.

Join Kelly and moderator John Harvey, business development executive at Argonne, as they explore how the laboratory’s way of measuring greenhouse gas emissions is guiding more than 48,000 users, including policymakers, worldwide.

View past webinars in the Science at Work series and see how our researchers are transforming science and engineering in many areas.