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Seminar | Computational Science

Simulation and Analysis of Turbulent Flows with Shock Waves Over Rigid and Elastic Wall

CPS Seminar

Abstract: The first part of this talk will discuss the application of a flow-structure interaction high-fidelity simulation capability to study a Mach 3 oblique-shock/turbulent-boundary-layer interaction (STLI) over rigid and elastic panels. The incoming turbulent boundary layer thickness before the interaction is 4 mm and the oblique shock deflection angle is increased from zero to 17.5 deg in about 15 ms, producing mean flow separation and subsequent low-frequency flow dynamics. The simulations complement prior experiments by Daub et al. (2016) at the German Aerospace Center (DLR). The simulation methodology incorporates a wall-modeled large-eddy simulation finite-volume flow solver, an isoparametric finite-element solid mechanics solver, and a mesh deformation solver based on a spring-system analogy. Three-dimensional effects of the coupled interaction are assessed by comparing full-span and reduced spanwise-periodic simulation results. A characterization of the effects of panel elasticity follows by comparing the wall pressure and friction profiles, and separation bubble dynamics for rigid- and flexible-wall simulation cases.

The second part of the talk will introduce a novel tracking methodology for the analysis of the dynamics of flow features in turbulent flows. Applications to the shock-driven turbulent mixing enhancement and the breakup of a liquid droplet in a background turbulent flow will be highlighted.

Bio: Ivan Bermejo-Moreno joined the Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Department at the University of Southern California as assistant professor in 2015. He received his Ph.D. in aeronautics from the California Institute of Technology.