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Workshop | Computing, Environment and Life Sciences

Sixth Quantum Computing Tutorial

Argonne will host an online Sixth Quantum Computing Tutorial on June 26-30, 2023. The tutorial is designed to provide hands-on experience programming QAOA and QML on IBM quantum computers using error correction and mitigation schemes.

Sessions and Presenters

  1. Quantum Optimization by Ruslan Shaydulin
  2. Quantum Optimization Hands-On
  3. Quantum Machine Learning Introduction by Han Zheng
  4. Quantum Machine Learning Hands-On
  5. Tensor Network Theory Introduction by Danylo Lykov
  6. QTensor AI Application by Henry Liu
  7. Quantum Network Simulator: SeQUeNCe by Rajkumar Kettimuthu, Joaquin Chung, and Alexander Kolar
  8. Error Correction and Mitigation Theory by Sahil Gulania
  9. Error Correction and Mitigation Hands-On
  10. Quantum Control Theory by Paul Kairys
  11. Quantum Control Hands-On

See full schedule


Participants will learn the basics of how to formulate and solve combinatorial optimization and quantum machine learning problems using Qiskit. In particular, examples will be provided of how problems can be solved using the QAOA and QML (Quantum Machine Learning) algorithms. We will provide step-by-step instructions on how to solve the problems from the ground up with as little hidden complexity as possible. Each presentation will contain a theory introduction and a hands-on session. For hands-on, we will use Jupyter notebooks posted in the tutorial’s GitHub repository. These easily customizable code snippets will allow attendees to skip straight to adapting it to their problems and apply it to their own research.

The recommended way to run the hands-on Jupyter notebooks is using the IBM Quantum Experience web interface. Please create an account here before the tutorial (you might have to create an IBM ID if you do not have one): https://​quan​tum​-com​put​ing​.ibm​.com/

We will also be providing tutorials on how to simulate quantum circuits by using Argonne-developed quantum simulator QTensor, simulate quantum network protocols using network simulator SeQUeNCe, error correction and mitigation techniques, and theory of quantum control.

Download hands-on notebooks from https://​github​.com/​y​u​r​i​a​l​e​x​e​e​v​/​A​r​g​o​n​n​e​-​Q​u​a​n​t​u​m​-​C​o​m​p​u​t​i​n​g​-​T​u​t​o​r​i​a​l​-​2​0​2​3​/​t​r​e​e​/main


There is no fee to attend the tutorial. This meeting will primarily be held via Zoom, and registration is mandatory to receive the Zoom link.

Registration is limited to only students, postdocs, and staff members from Argonne National Laboratory, Chicago Quantum Exchange, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, JPMorgan Chase & Co organizations, the National Quantum Center Q-NEXT, Northwestern University, University of Chicago, the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Please use your work email when registering.

Registration Deadlines for Onsite Only

Foreign Nationals: June 16, 2023
U.S. Citizen: June 21, 2023

If you want to attend the meeting on site, please contact Sue Gregurich by June 16, 2023. Onsite access will not be allowed without a gate pass for entry.

For late registration consideration, once these deadlines have passed, please e-mail us.