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Lecture | Computing, Environment and Life Sciences

Understanding the Science of Climate Disruption

CELS Summer Student Lecture

Abstract: When a scientist puts forward a question — say What happens when you throw gigatons of carbon dioxide into the air?” — the scientific community comes up with all sorts of possible answers. Over time, the community tests, and tests, and tests again each of the ideas, most of which turn out to be wrong. In science, you know when you have the right answer when most scientists simply stop arguing against the emerging consensus point of view because the supporting evidence is too compelling to disagree with anymore. Science is based on consensus. The process to consensus has been dubbed the scientific method or science-based outcomes or critical thinking, etc.

This presentation will give a general overview of climate disruption — based on scientific consensus. Anthropogenic climate change is real and has incredibly deep roots that affect all of us in a way we haven’t imagined.