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Webinar | Argonne National Laboratory

Using AI for Water Research

Part of Chicago Water Week

Water, as the poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge said, is everywhere. It’s used in our showers, found in our skies, helps us produce energy, and is necessary for life itself. How we use and reuse water forms the basis for how we think about sustainability and work to ensure that everyone has abundant access to the world’s most precious resource.

Creating new strategies for how we treat water and maintain or update our water infrastructure will require the adaptation of new technologies to helping to solve questions in water. One new technology, artificial intelligence (AI), offers scientists the ability to create smart systems to more nimbly manage, and even close, water cycles. AI will enhance how we use water purposefully and help address critical topics in water research: materials, selective separation, sensors and controls, manufacturing, modeling, and sustainability.

To look at the intersection of artificial intelligence and water science and technology, the U.S. Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory is hosting a webinar on AI for Water” as part of the Chicago Water Week hosted by Current.

The 90-minute free webinar will feature five presentations by Argonne researchers exploring different aspects of how AI can be applied to solve challenges in the water space.