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Seminar | Applied Materials

Using Argonne’s User Facilities and Basic Science Expertise to Inform Applied Engineering Solutions

AMD Seminar Series

Abstract: Major, disruptive, innovations at Argonne are often stifled/delayed due to the siloing of topic areas, and a lack of knowledge as to crosslab capabilities as technologies transcend the basic and applied spaces. Many of these issues stem from differences in funding requirements such as variable time scales, as well as the difference between classical, hypothesis-driven, research, and applied problem solving. However, the current revolution manufacturing techniques, combined with advances in Argonne’s BES facility capabilities, are resulting in a significant scientific drive to utilize advanced characterization techniques to rapidly optimize material manufacturing. This ability to employ Argonne’s basic science expertise to solve applied problems can significantly alleviate issues that are plaguing the manufacturing sector.

This talk will highlight numerous ways in which scientists at Argonne are using BES techniques to inform applied science in the areas of: additive manufacturing, benchtop testing, electro-spinning, energy storage, micro-electronics, and enhanced conductivity. However, my larger goal is to get Argonne scientists thinking about ways in which these techniques can be used in a larger array of project areas.